Big White Trumpets

At St. Joseph's Church on Prospect Avenue, there are these amazing huge white flowers that look like trumpets. I think it's some kind of a lily. They have an amazing scent! Does anyone know what they might be?

A picture would help.

I don't know if they would count as looking like lilies, but jimson weed has large white trumpet flowers. I have seen that in a few places around town

If the plant looks like an eggplant, then its jimson weed.

Pretty sure that it is a kind of lily. I think they were originally brought in as flowers for Easter, and afterwards, instead of tossing them, one of the priests planted them outside. They've done well. Search lily cultivars and see if you find a picture similar?

calliope said:
Easter Lily?

That's it! Thank you. Next time I walk by I will try to remember to snap a photo. They are quite stunning

Easter Lilies don't smell great in my experience. Maybe this?

No... But those are cute

I remember Easter lilies having a very potent, if slightly cloying, smell. Very nice from a distance! ;-)

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