"so many people stay out of politics and religion"
1. Our grandmothers were right about what to bring up in social settings?
2. As you know, there's a whole series of unusually momentous AND contentious issues out there right now. It's hard to discuss them, even with people you can usually talk openly with. Hopefully we will somehow find ways to communicate respectfully, and hopefully some issues may be resolved soon-ish. Otherwise we're in more trouble than "fed up," more trouble than i've seen before in my life (and that covers quite a while).
mjc said:
1. Our grandmothers were right about what to bring up in social settings?
This is why I like the politics section -- it's an outlet to talk about topics I usually feel the need to avoid most other times.
These topics are important. Lives and the integrity of our government are at stake. But I don't go to the politics section. New Jersey will send its electors to vote for Biden (or whoever opposes Trump). So except for showing up in November, there is nothing I need to contribute.
I have taken a couple of breaks on contentious issues or when a poster overwhelms the issue, but I always go back as there are always interesting issues.
Speculating on the outcome of Primary or Presidential debates is a favorite of mine. Many of us were engaged in the last Dem Presidential Primary.
I'm hooked.
Uh oh, I may have spoken too soon. I'm starting to duck threads. A sabbatical may be in the near future.
Some of the threads are so massive that I gave up trying to follow them.
yahooyahoo said:
Some of the threads are so massive that I gave up trying to follow them.
me too
Fwiw, the most idiotic contributors from years past migrated to Facebook. The discussions now are light years smarter than they used to be.
I post occasionally in the politics section. I not do read the overly lengthy repetitive arguments. But I very much like the politics section when there is helpful info that I do not know about. And I like it when there is a point of view that I have not considered before. I do not read the NY Times, so I know that I miss info. But I do read multiple other news sources so I have an understanding of many of the issues. And the Yale lecture series has been very informative.... MOL is great and thanks to Jamie and all the thoughtful posters.
I am happy that politics got its own section. I never go on it. I hate bashing my head against a wall for no particular reason.
RobertRoe said:
I post occasionally in the politics section. I not do read the overly lengthy repetitive arguments. But I very much like the politics section when there is helpful info that I do not know about. And I like it when there is a point of view that I have not considered before. I do not read the NY Times, so I know that I miss info. But I do read multiple other news sources so I have an understanding of many of the issues. And the Yale lecture series has been very informative.... MOL is great and thanks to Jamie and all the thoughtful posters.
I love seeing your contributions. There are not that many of us in the politics section and fresh points of view are welcome. I have been on here for about 10 years, not as long as some, but long enough to notice a few less voices. One in particular that I miss is @STANV. Have no idea where he is. I miss author, who passed away a few years ago. Since I know you from your past position, it was great to see you start posting in the politics section. Stay with us.
Morganna,Always enjoy reading what you have to say. Did notice Stanvs wife passed away a while ago.
galileo said:
Morganna,Always enjoy reading what you have to say. Did notice Stanvs wife passed away a while ago.
Oh sorry to hear that. I think the last post was around 6 months ago. With all of the SCOTUS decisions we could use his input. I got to meet him in person at an Elizabeth Warren support meeting. I hope he comes back on.
Thank you, and please post in the Politics section! I am of such divided heart on the Dem candidate topic, I love hearing where people are leaning. I'm not easily rattled but remembering Trump's poem about the snake I think he may be well cast as a Rattler!
I will not name names, but when two particular posters with their fringe viewpoints infect a thread, I am just done. They dominate discussion and steer everything off-topic. Ruins the discussion, IMO.
jimmurphy said:
I will not name names, but when two particular posters with their fringe viewpoints infect a thread, I am just done. They dominate discussion and steer everything off-topic. Ruins the discussion, IMO.
well I think I’m done with the Russian room… I see nearly 200 posts in two days, and I won’t even open it to read. I honestly don’t know how they can go on and on beating the same dead donkey…
jimmurphy said:
I will not name names, but when two particular posters with their fringe viewpoints infect a thread, I am just done. They dominate discussion and steer everything off-topic. Ruins the discussion, IMO.
@jim murphy..hope I am not one of the two! You were oof enormous help to me, showing how I can listen to music through my hearing aids — cannot thank you enough,
But, as a nonagenarian, I am still at discovering new possibilities to enjoy the present more fully. I am now interested in audio books — particularly since the Ocean County Library offers free access to audio books! Big question for me is, can I listen to them via my hearing aids as well? I know I can “hear” these books loud and clear directly from my Ipad at home, but “out and about” from my Iphone? TIA and ❤️
mtierney said:
@jim murphy..hope I am not one of the two! You were oof enormous help to me, showing how I can listen to music through my hearing aids — cannot thank you enough,
But, as a nonagenarian, I am still at discovering new possibilities to enjoy the present more fully. I am now interested in audio books — particularly since the Ocean County Library offers free access to audio books! Big question for me is, can I listen to them via my hearing aids as well? I know I can “hear” these books loud and clear directly from my Ipad at home, but “out and about” from my Iphone? TIA and ❤️
You’re very welcome, and you are not one of the two.
If you can download the audio books to your iPhone or iPad, I see no reason that you couldn’t listen to them through the hearing aids. Alternatively, if you can stream them from the library site, the same situation applies.
Any audio should be able to be sent via Bluetooth to the hearing aids.
Jaytee said:
Well I just figured out how to unfollow the Russian threads…whew!
Well, if there is an Olympic sport named "Thread Hopscotch", I'm entering.
For years I didn't visit the politics section, and then found myself dipping in recently. And then I found myself arguing with people on the same side of the political spectrum. I was shocked. I wish MOL had a function where you can hide folks whose posts just piss you off.
So now I visit occasionally, post occasionally, and don't engage with the folks I don't like! It feels better that way.
mtierney - the library might also have information about listening through your hearing aids
I never felt inspired to open the politics section. If I did, like most people, it would be to convince some person that my point of view/candidate is the bestest of them all.
Well, this is N.J. In particular, it is Maplewood. No matter what anyone says, the majority of the state and town will vote for the Democratic candidate. What would be my point in spending time, posting stuff?
Thread Drift Warning: MTierney, are you related to the Tierney's of Tierney's Bar in Montclair? Recently, USA Today news reported that Tierney's Bar was listed as one of the best bars in the US.
Formerlyjerseyjack said:
I never felt inspired to open the politics section. If I did, like most people, it would be to convince some person that my point of view/candidate is the bestest of them all.
Well, this is N.J. In particular, it is Maplewood. No matter what anyone says, the majority of the state and town will vote for the Democratic candidate. What would be my point in spending time, posting stuff?
It’s actually very informative, not everyone in there is liberal. We even have a couple libertarians and some trolls… it could be fun. What is a huge turnoff is the couple of pro Russian antagonists who repeat their story over and over… they might be robots.
RobertRoe said:
Thread Drift Warning: MTierney, are you related to the Tierney's of Tierney's Bar in Montclair? Recently, USA Today news reported that Tierney's Bar was listed as one of the best bars in the US.
Unfortunately, after my father returned to the USA after WW1, months after Armistice Day, he had a falling- out with his family in NJ. So, I never got to know any relatives on his side. He married an Austrian woman, moved to Brooklyn, where he owned and operated small businesses, and raised three kids. We never got to know his family, I am sad to say. As I recall, he worked in Jersey City, after coming back from the Great War. I have only childhood memories that we might be related to the actors Lawrence Tierney and Scott Brady. Decades ago — some 70 or 90+ — crossing the river to a new life was common.
mtierney said:
Unfortunately, after my father returned to the USA after WW1, months after Armistice Day, he had a falling- out with his family in NJ. So, I never got to know any relatives on his side. He married an Austrian woman, moved to Brooklyn, where he owned and operated small businesses, and raised three kids. We never got to know his family, I am sad to say. As I recall, he worked in Jersey City, after coming back from the Great War. I have only childhood memories that we might be related to the actors Lawrence Tierney and Scott Brady. Decades ago — some 70 or 90+ — crossing the river to a new life was common.
Why not go on Ancestry? As my mother was adopted, I only met her grandmother and had pieces of information to go on. quite a bit of it incorrect but I've learned a great deal. It's pretty easy to find records in the states so the family which came here in the early 1700s was easier than those who immigrated later.
It might be fun and it is something to leave for your younger family members.
OK, another thread drift.
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I am, it’s just the same arguments, plus there’s a religious thread about bible verses that goes off on different rails. I hate arguing, I state my feelings, and I’m done. I’m not here to convince anyone about anything. No wonder so many people stay out of politics and religion.