Anyone recognize this fine feline?

This beautiful guy (I'm pretty sure it's male but I could be wrong) has been hanging around the perimeter of our house and yowling for several days. I'm pretty sure it's a mating call, as I can smell markings in our bushes. Does anyone recognize him? He looks pretty well fed from afar but he runs when I get close - could just be fluffy winter fur.

Sorry, I do not know this guy but if you're a Maplewood resident, I recommend you call St. Hubert's and ask them to come trap him to be neutered and vaccinated. I know he's not your cat but for a small expense you will eliminate the problems of yowling and marking (fighting, too). They will return him to you and he can be on his merry way because most male cats won't stick around very long. You'll be doing yourself, your neighbors and the cat a big favor. 

If you're a South Orange resident, you're on your own as the town has neither a TNR ordinance nor a humane option for dealing with feral cats.

I thought Furry Hearts was doing the TNR program in Maplewood.

Maplewood actually has two options: St. Hubert's is the organization with whom Maplewood has contracted for its animal control services and they are much better funded and staffed than Furry Hearts.

You can correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Furry Hearts contracted for TNVR?  Whereas, the caregiver of a feral colony can contact them to utilize the TNVR and return the cats to the caregiver who will keep feeding the feral colony?  

And St. Huberts can also be used for that function but also for stray animals wandering around without a caregiver?

Edit:  St. Huberts is better staffed but I am not sure if they will release the cat without the original person agreeing to take care of the feral cat.

Maybe someone should print up flyers with contact info, canvass the neighborhood where this cat is seen and see whether anyone lays claim to this cat.  Community outreach goes a long way.  Surely it's being fed somewhere, either by one person or several.  Or, someone can get/borrow a trap and go to People For Animals for the surgery if it's known that this cat hasn't already been fixed.  As long as the neighborhood continues to keep this kitty fed, neutering can't come too soon, IMO.  The longer it waits, well... 

I agree @cats.  It is hanging around because someone is/was feeding him or possibly abandoned him and neutering is super important and a high priority.   I'd like to know where the cat is because I myself have seen a cat that looks similar hanging around by me and I am going to trap him myself to get him fixed. 

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