Anyone ever use a brace for kyphosis?

This condition causes a curvature of the spine, not scoliosis, but more of a hunchback problem. Was the brace effective? How long did you wear it? Please recommend your pediatric orthopedist. Thanks. My teenager needs to start treatment right away. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

My daughter was treated for scoliosis. After having horrific experiences with orthopedists, it was suggested that we see Dr. David S. Feldman in New York. (Of course, your insurance/travel issues are considerations.) Dr. Feldman was very empathetic and sensitive, and convinced my daughter about the necessity of wearing her brace, which she did for three years. Dr. Feldman is at the top of my list of incredible human beings.

At least, if he could not treat your teen, I'm certain you could get a good recommendations from his office. Good luck.

not sure if this is a consideration, but I just saw this last night:

Very interesting, although it seems like the problem was quite different than typical kyphosis.

MsSumida said:
not sure if this is a consideration, but I just saw this last night:

Can recommend Roy Nuzzo at Overlook.

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