Anyone else having a problem today with Google Chrome?

Firefox, which I had stopped using over Chrome, is working fine and this thread was started with it. Chrome, on the other hand, is not loading. I re-started computer so I assume it's a Chrome problem given that I can use another browser. Unless there's still something going on on my end. Thanks for any insight.

I'm using Chrome now - with no problems.

I can't get my NY Times crossword puzzles on chrome. I can get them on internet explorer and on my ipad, so there's something wrong with chrome. Almost ruined my whole day.

So glad you're having this problem too lizziecat (not really but you know what I mean). I assume it's a problem at least stateside given where marksierra lives. Tried cleaning out cache, etc. via some clean cache thing on my desktop since I can't even open Chrome now but it cleans all other things except Chrome and keeps trying to force it to close but it can't. At least Firefox is working, which was my go to browser until I became a Chrome user. We'll see what a full Monday of rest brings to the Google folks.

I still can't access Chrome and it won't close. I plan to uninstall and then re-install sometime over the next few days unless someone else has another idea. lizziecat, are you still having access problems too? TIA for any advice, etc.

I can access chrome, but still can't get the Times crossword on it. I am embarrassed that before I knew it was a chrome problem, I sent a rather hysterical e-mail to the NY Times, informing them that they were ruining my life because I couldn't get my puzzle. I have toyed with the idea of apologizing, but have decided against it. After all, they made me pay extra for the puzzle, even though I have a subscription to the paper.

Try uninstalling and reinstalling. Sounds like something got corrupted. I use chrome, ff and opera, and no problems recently.

Thanks ParticleMan (and lizziecat). I now can't seem to uninstall Chrome. I try to do so and it tells to wait that the program is still changing or trying to uninstall. At first it said to close all aspects of it open in Windows 8. This is getting ridiculous.

So I go again to uninstall and I am told to please close all google chrome programs including those in windows 8 mode). I then go to task manager and sure enough I try to stop 2 chrome.exe processes and it tells me I can't (can't recall the reason it gave). Help please!

Easiest fix is to simply stop using Chrome but I know how frustrating it can be when something on the computer does not work like it should. From what you write, I assume you have already tried a hard reboot, asking task manager to close the program, and running C-Cleaner or the equivalent with no success.

Have you tried any of the following?

Running a diagnostic program like Glary Utilities or your computer's own support program to see if the problem can be diagnosed and hopefully self-repaired that way.

Running your anti-malware program to see what it detects.

Googling the problem on line to see if there is any information available on resolving the problem.

Doing a system restore.

Bringing the computer to a professional computer repair person who can address software issues.

Thanks Joan I've done all of this short of a system restore which I will not do and is not of course advisable since it's only Chrome that has the issue. As I posted above I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to uninstall Chrome so that I can install the older version. I cannot end all tasks on Chrome which is necessary to uninstall. Anti malware is not relevant here. I am aware that I can call in a professional and have reached out to someone. Thanks for chiming in but I really need advice here as I asked above. And yes I'm aware of the Chrome problems with recent updates, etc. That doesn't help since Chrome is advising uninstalling and reinstalling an older version BUT I NEED HELP to do that. Thus my continuing to post. Thanks anyway.

Wendy, please try again and report the exact error message you get when you try to close the processes.

Tom, thanks so much for chiming in. As we discussed off line, I look forward to talking with you about this further when I get home since I'm not at my home computer right now. Much appreciated as I appreciate all who have posted here.

I'm just seeing this thread now, but I have not experienced any problems with Chrome during this time.

Mine is OK now. I turned off the ad blocker on that site, and the problem resolved.

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