Announcement: Open Auditions 9/8 & 9/9 2019 - for En Garde!

Suburban Legend is delighted to announce OPEN CALL AUDITIONS for "En Garde! The Panto Adventures of The Three Musketeers"! A British-style Pantomime very loosely based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas.

Dates: SUN SEPT. 8th, 1-3PM | MON SPT. 9th 7-9PM

Location: Burgdorff Cultural Center (Theater), 10 Durand Road, Maplewood NJ 07040

We are looking for adults and kids 11 and older to join us on our annual quest for a silly theatrical experience!

Must love terrible jokes and silliness, sides for reading will be provided.

Rehearsals will begin mid October, performances will be January 4 | 10-12 | 17-19 2020.

Check for more details.

Panto-prep season already?? Doesn't time fly! 

Are fencing skills required this year? Or only if you're going for a leading role?

Does one need to know courtly and country dancing, or will the company dance-master teach the steps required? (Wish I could attend and help in some way, I adore music from this era)

Regards and merde to all the company cheese

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