The Noble Steps

Event Date: December 21st, 2014 at 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Address : 1861 Springfield Avenue
Town : Maplewood

We are the Noble Steps group. Through meditation, reading, inquiry and discussion, we seek tools to create happy, joyous, free and sober lives. Our path focuses on the Twelve Steps of recovery, and on Buddhist teachings (the Dharma), and is informed by any other spiritual tradition offering wisdom, compassion, generosity, acceptance, and freedom from addiction. Many of us are members of long-standing and wonderful fellowships such as AA, NA, OA and Al-Anon. With Noble Steps, we seek to strengthen and enrich, not replace or diminish, our participation in these groups. We welcome anyone who wants to join us in our search. Our intention is to help ourselves, our families, our communities and all beings without exception to become truly happy and free.

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