Roll It & Sparkle It! Bracelet making workshop

Event Date: November 15th, 2014 at 10:00am - 4:00pm
Address : 6 Normandy Heights Road
Town : Morristown

A jewelry making workshop at the Morris Museum led by jewelry artist Sandra Lupo. Ages 18-adult. Come have a fun day making jewelry! This project is designed to teach students how to work with wire to form connecting links to showcase sparkling Swarovski Crystals. You will be shown how to make your bracelet the perfect size for your wrist. Tools will be available to use in class, or bring your own to work independently. The class is open to all levels of students. Museum member $90 / Non-member $100 / $50 supply fee: Supply kits must be pre-ordered directly through the instructor. Kits include materials for Antiqued Bronze or Silver color bracelet: spools of wire, clasp, and up to 30 crystals of complementing colors.


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