Maplewood Green Drinks -- Sustainable Yard Care

Event Date: June 23rd, 2014 at 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Address : 1978 Springfield Avenue
Town : Maplewood

This month's speaker will be Neil Chambers, an LEED Sustainability Expert and member of the South Orange Environmental Commission. He will be speaking to us about RE:Yard, an exciting new pilot program being rolled out in Maplewood, South Orange, and Millburn. Re:Yard is a point-based challenge program for people that want a safe, healthy, and more sustainable yard and community. Sustainable actions and guidelines will be provided for soil, water and energy use, air quality, plants, animals, and more. The Maplewood Green Team is proud to bring this tradition to you. Meet many members of our community, both those actively involved in our green initiatives and those just finding out more. It's a great opportunity to make new friends, to learn all the latest environmental information, and to help make a difference in our town. $5 fee. Everyone is welcome, ask your friends and spread the word!

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